The Wave Foundation originated from a coalition and network of highly engaged individuals and organizations. When we cast our net requesting support, we never imagined how our mission would resonate so strongly with others, nor how sustainably caught seafood would become a driving force behind our efforts to create systemic change.
When the pandemic first struck, The Wave Foundation pivoted from the original plans for our Food Program, as explored in our October 1, 2020 blog post. We found that pandemic relief efforts ignored the seafood industry— pandemic-related funding support excluded fishermen and seafood did not make the list for inclusion in federally funded food boxes for pandemic-related distribution. We adapted our food program to focus on leveraging a crisis to create systemic change in food systems, leading with a centuries-old harvest in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska— seafood. As the communities around us expressed needs and holes that needed filling, our host of partners stepped up to support our work and the communities we serve.

We've adopted a 'communities helping communities' model and recognize that this is the only path forward to continue our progress toward systemic change. With this model, we've been able to provide funding to purchase sustainable seafood, keep fishermen working, and offer a healthy and culturally relevant protein source as part of crisis-related food distribution efforts. As the pandemic subsides in the future, we will remain committed to:
Supporting food sovereignty efforts
Supporting the inclusion of seafood products in future federal aid/funding efforts (e.g., Section 32)
Contributing to the systemic change of our current food systems by transitioning to a more regionally-focused, healthy, and sustainable model where consumers are reacquainted with what they're purchasing and eating.
Together with our partners, we are honored and humbled to be able to do this work. We invite you to learn more about some of our incredible seafood-focused partners below.
Alaska Longline Fishermen's Association (ALFA)
The Alaska Longline Fishermen's Association is an alliance of small boat commercial fishermen committed to sustainable fisheries and thriving coastal communities. Their members support science-based fisheries management through collaborative research, advocacy, and innovation. They work to safeguard ocean health and improve the economic viability of small boat fishing. Much of the seafood we provide in our food program has been caught by ALFA fishermen. Read more
Alaskans Own (AO)
Alaskans Own gives seafood eaters the opportunity to take the health and sustainability of wild fisheries and Alaska's coastal communities into their own hands. AO is a non-profit program of the Alaska Longline Fishermen's Association. All profits from Alaskans Own go directly towards supporting fishery conservation research, initiatives to keep fishing access rights local and other efforts to ensure the health and longevity of Alaskan fisheries. Joining Alaskans Own is about a lot more than buying great fish. It's an investment in the health of both fish and fisherman, in a cleaner environment, more vibrant local economies and a better future for Alaska. AO has been instrumental in helping us tell the story of the seafood we distribute. Read more
Catch Together
Catch Together is a project of Trust for Conservation Innovation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that supports innovative conservation endeavors. The Catch Together program was created by Catch Invest founders in 2017 to build a nationwide network of community permit banks, connecting fishermen's long-term access to the fisheries resources they depend on, and ushering in a new generation of fishing leaders. They believe that financially successful fishermen will improve fisheries management. With their support, we've been able to procure and distribute sustainable seafood to communities in Alaska and throughout the northwest. Read more
Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
The Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission coordinates management policy and provides fisheries technical services for the Yakama, Warm Springs, Umatilla, and Nez Perce tribes. CRITFC's mission is "to ensure a unified voice in the overall management of the fishery resources, and as managers, to protect reserved treaty rights through the exercise of the inherent sovereign powers of the tribes." Our relationship with CRITFC has been one of listening and learning. We are grateful for the opportunity to work collaboratively with the four Tribal Nations of the Columbia River: the Nez Perce Tribe, the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon, and the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation. Read more
Ecotrust's mission is to inspire fresh thinking that creates economic opportunity, social equity, and environmental well-being. Their goal is to foster a natural model of development that creates more resilient communities, economies, and ecosystems here and around the world. Thanks to our relationship, we've been connected with other like-minded individuals and organizations throughout the region in an effort to inspire systemic change. Read more
Food Fleet
Food Fleet is a co-founder of The Wave Foundation. They offer culinary expertise, provide mobile dining options, recipe development, and food/hospitality-focused consulting services. Thanks to their partnership, we've been able to provide hot, seafood-centric meals to communities facing crises; source healthy, regional, and sustainable food items for distribution; offer last mile distribution to remote communities; and provide seasonal and simple recipes to families that receive our food boxes. Read more
Marine Fish Conservation Network
The Marine Fish Conservation Network is a coalition of commercial and recreational fishing associations, regional and national conservation groups, aquaria, and marine science organizations committed to sustaining fish populations, healthy marine ecosystems, and fishing communities. Their goal is to maintain and strengthen the conservation and management objectives of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. They are committed to ending overfishing, rebuilding fish populations, and fostering a fisheries management system that protects vibrant marine ecosystems and the thriving local communities that depend on them. They have provided invaluable resources, education, and guidance regarding the seafood we include in our food program. Read more
NatureWorks is a world-leading biopolymers supplier and innovator with its Ingeo portfolio of naturally advanced materials made from renewable, abundant feedstocks with performance and economics that compete with oil-based intermediates, plastics, and fibers. They believe in protecting and conserving the environment, are developing ways to reduce their environmental impact throughout their global operations and are developing additional ways to help conserve natural resources. Thanks to the support of NatureWorks, The Wave Foundation successfully launched in 2019 and we are grateful to have their support and expertise, particularly regarding guidance on packaging, zero waste initiatives, and composting. Read more
ReFED is a multi-stakeholder nonprofit, powered by an influential network of the nation’s leading business, nonprofit, foundation, and government leaders committed to reducing U.S. food waste. ReFED takes a data-driven approach to move the food system from acting on instinct to insights to solve our national food waste problem. A grant from ReFED has allowed The Wave Foundation to recover more the 225,000 lbs of food for redistribution as part of our Food Program. Read more