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The current system of food and nutrition relief is broken and
out of date

To improve the system, better technology and communication
should be implemented and the system should be decentralized
with more public/private partnerships.

In collaboration with Food Fleet
Community distress
General emergency

Our partnership with Food Fleet allows us to leverage our teams' mutual knowledge of and experience in mobile solutions, large-scale feeding operations, and disaster relief. Furthermore, our combined network allows for access to a national network of food trucks, equipment, and key stakeholders that can be activated when needed. 




Lieutenant General Honoré is a native of Lakeland, Louisiana. He was commissioned a Second Lieutenant of Infantry and awarded a Bachelor of Science degree in Vocational Agriculture upon graduation from Southern University and A&M College in 1971. He holds a Master of Arts in Human Resources from Troy State University as well as an Honorary Doctorate in Public Administration from Southern University and A&M College, an Honorary Doctorate in Laws from Stillman College, and an Honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters from Stillman College.


As the commander of Joint Task Force Katrina, he became known as the “Category 5 General” for his striking leadership style in coordinating military relief efforts in post-hurricane New Orleans. A decorated 37-year army veteran, the General is a leading global authority on leadership and emergency preparedness.

Prior to his command of Joint Task Force-Katrina – leading the Department of Defense response to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana – General Honoré served in a variety of command and staff positions which focused on Defense Support to Civil Authorities and Homeland Defense.


As Vice Director for Operations, J-3, The Joint Staff, Washington, D.C., and, as the Commander, Standing Joint Force Headquarters-Homeland Security, United States Northern Command, General Honoré’s focus was Defense Support to Civil Authorities and Homeland Defense.


For four of the past six hurricane seasons, he supported the Department of Defense planning and response for Hurricanes Floyd in 1999; Lilli and Isidore in 2002 (both hit the Gulf Coast); Isabel in 2003; and Charley, Frances, Ivan and Jeanne in 2004.

General Honoré also planned and supported the United States military response to the devastating flooding which swept Venezuela 1999 and Mozambique in 2000. As Vice Director for Operations, he led the Defense Department’s planning and preparation for the anticipated Y2K Millennium anomaly. As Commander of SJFHQ-HLS under NORTHCOM direction, he planned and oversaw the military response to the Space Shuttle Columbia Tragedy and the DC Sniper Shootings. 




Major General Spiese was commissioned via the NROTC program after receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign in May of 1976.


His final assignment on active duty was Deputy Commanding General, I Marine Expeditionary Force, and Commanding General, 1st Marine Expeditionary Brigade. Prior to this assignment, he commanded the Marine Corps’ Training and Education Command, and had command of Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command, Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center in Twenty Nine Palms, California.

In 2005, Major General Spiese served as the Deputy Director for Strategy, Policy and Assessments at the U.S. European Command (inclusive of Africa). He commanded and served at multiple Marine Corps key training commands, including Commanding General Training Command; Deputy Commanding General Training and Education Command; command of the School of Infantry (East); the Director, Expeditionary Warfare School; and the Director, Tactical Training Exercise Control Group at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center.


Major General Spiese has earned a Master of Science degree from the University of Southern California, and a Master of Military Arts and Science degree from the U.S. Army School of Advanced Military Studies. He is a graduate of the Marine Corps Command and Staff College.


Upon leaving active duty, Major General Spiese worked for Cubic Defense Systems as the Vice President for Training Strategy and Effectiveness.


Major General Melvin G. Spiese, United States Marine Corps, was awarded the Defense Superior Service Medal for exceptionally superior service to the Defense Department of the United States.



We Do Better Relief

Bobby Rodrigo is a legal professional, a retired logistics expert from the US Navy working inside of disaster relief since responding to Hurricane Andrew in 1993. He is a co-founder of the Walk 4 Change and a journalist. Bobby holds Press Credentials from The Atlanta Press Club, Society of Professional Journalists, National Association of Hispanic Journalists, Native American Journalists Association, and National Association of Black Journalists. In 2017, Bobby orchestrated a 4-organization coalition, #BStrongGlobalBetter, to deliver relief to the Caribbean after deadly hurricanes devastated the region. That coalition ended up delivering over 4 million pounds of aid, making it one of the largest private disaster relief operations in history. Bobby’s We Do Better Relief is dedicated to projects that move past short term aid and to self-sufficiency for the people in the US and all over the world.

Bobby managed logistics and rescue teams in Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico, that aided over 2,000,000 people. He was the logistical lead for all phases of moving 122 40’ Containers of commodities and 58 plane loads, shipped and flown to Puerto Rico, USVI, Saint Marteen, Dominica, Bahamas and Haiti impacting over 1 million residents of the Caribbean. He installed Micro Farms at evacuee centers in Houston and Puerto Rico to assist in food supplies and created and executed hot meal plans in Houston and Puerto Rico serving over 50,000 meals.

Meet Our Team of Experts and Partners

Our food and nutrition program supports communities impacted by crises with nutritionally and culturally rich foods—all while supporting regional food suppliers, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, minimizing food waste, and supporting economic opportunity. The Wave food and nutrition relief program is produced with regional partners who prioritize sourcing from small-to-mid-size rural, women, and BIPOC farmers, producers, and fishers.



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Food is healthy, sustainable, and culturally relevant to the community

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Purchasing, processing, and packing of food supports regional jobs and businesses

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Provides support for community members helping distribute food to residents and impacted communities

Want to learn more about our recent food and nutriton relief efforts?
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The cause is just.
The need is great.

The time is now.


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The Wave Foundation is a tax-exempt, nonprofit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

© 2022 by The Wave Foundation. 

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